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Every year, millions of people have dental implant surgery. Because they join with the natural bones and support the new teeth, these implants are a safe option for patients who have lost one or more teeth. They also offer the added benefit of allowing replacement teeth to match the appearance of real teeth. Smiles on Queen can facilitate you with dental implant care. 

Getting the correct therapy for dental implants and maintaining them properly are essential for extending their look and functionality. The following are some suggestions for keeping your dental implant clean and sanitary if followed correctly.

Brush your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush
Soft bristles are less prone to irritate the gums or cause bleeding, yet they are just as efficient at removing tartar and plaque as medium or hard bristles. Electric toothbrushes also eliminate germs from teeth more effectively than manual toothbrushes because they create more strokes than the human hand.

Floss using a Water Flosser
A water flosser, also known as an oral or dental water irrigator, disturbs and kills microorganisms up to 6 mm deep. Water flossers are preferred by many dentists over dental floss because some types of floss will remove particles that cause peri-implantitis. As a result, make sure you floss with water to wash out all of the bacteria and germs from your mouth and maintain it clean.

Brush Your Teeth Twice a Day!

Brushing your teeth as soon as you get up eliminates the morning odour and destroys bacteria that have accumulated in your mouth overnight. Brushing before bedtime, on the other hand, destroys germs that have gathered during the day and reduces the risk of plaque build-up and deterioration overnight. Many dentists also advocate brushing between meals or at other times during the day when food particles and germs need to be removed, especially if you have dental implants.

Smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages should be avoided

It is beneficial to your physical health to avoid smoking and drinking. However, when you have dental implants, you must avoid these items. Always keep in mind that dental implants take around 6 months to heal, therefore smoking during this period might be hazardous. Drinking alcohol has also been shown to impede the healing of dental implants, so stay away from it as much as possible.

Thus, this was all about keeping your dental implant clean.

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