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Painful sex or periods can point toward a problem with your urinary or reproductive systems. The pain can be occasional or constant, affecting your daily life. You should see your doctor about pelvic pain South Charleston if symptoms like fever, unusual vaginal bleeding, and nausea or vomiting accompany it.

Although pelvic pain has various causes, it is crucial to visit our doctor for an accurate diagnosis.


The following are the causes of pelvic pain:


Endometriosis is a condition that occurs when the tissues of the uterine wall grow outside the uterus. The uterine tissues can grow in body structures, including intestines, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. If left untreated, the condition can lead to internal bleeding because the uterine tissues tend to shed once monthly during menstruation.

Pelvic inflammatory disease

You can have a pelvic inflammatory disease if you have a sexually transmitted disease that spreads from your vagina to your womb. Common symptoms include pain during intercourse and urination, cervical motion tenderness, nausea or vomiting, vaginal discharge, and fatigue.

A miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy

If you have an ectopic pregnancy, you might feel pain in your pelvis, shoulders, neck, and abdomen. The pain usually occurs due to ruptured blood or irritated nerves, and you might feel it between weeks 4 and 12 of your pregnancy.

Uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths that grow in your uterus and affect your fertility rate. In most cases, symptoms include pelvic pain, heavy periods, and prolonged periods. Fibroids usually occur in women who are of childbearing age.

Treatment options

Your specialist will create a treatment plan after evaluating your symptoms and accurately diagnosing the cause of the pain. The following are common treatment methods for pelvic pain.


You can receive painkillers to help you deal with the pain. If the pain occurs during menstruation, your doctor can include other methods like using a hot water bottle and rest to help you during painful periods.

Hormone treatments

Hormone therapy is a common treatment for pelvic pain caused by fibroids. Your specialist can put on hormone treatment to address the pain without worsening the fibroids. If you experience pain during your periods or intercourse, talk to your healthcare. It is important to understand that fibroids are estrogen-driven.

Surgical procedures

Your specialist can recommend surgery as a last resort to help you relieve pelvic pain. If you have endometriosis, your doctor can perform a procedure to remove the endometrial tissues and offer you a chance to carry a pregnancy to term. However, in some cases, you can undergo a hysterectomy, which is a procedure that removes your uterus to offer relief from pelvic pain.

When to see a doctor

You should see a doctor if your pelvic pain is accompanied by fever, bloating, gas, burning when urinating, unusual vaginal bleeding, and constipation or diarrhea.

The available specialists will review your medical history, including your family history, and offer a treatment plan depending on your condition and symptoms. Call or book your appointment at Patel & Patel, M.D., Inc online today and improve the quality of your life. 

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