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Several cosmetic treatments — even those that promise quick results — are considerably less intrusive than you imagine. For instance, brow lifts using BTX have been around for a while, but they’ve lately gained popularity thanks to Instagram. It is the same with filler that is injected to produce a sharp jawline, another fashionable procedure you could see all over TikTok. Thread lifts are among the most recent developments in the field of cosmetic surgery.

Known as a less intrusive solution to facelifts, threadlift in Singapore enables cosmetic doctors to produce a sculpted, lifted appearance with no fillers and without the scars or incisions that are characteristic of a surgical facelift. Similar to a marionette, with one pull of a string your downward-facing forehead may be lifted to new heights, and the jowls pulled tight.

What Is The Procedure For A Thread Lift?

During a standard facelift, the surgeon removes any sagging skin from the patient’s face. Thread lifts involve temporarily suspending the skin by sewing together sections of it with unique barbed threads that draw back the skin. This thread does much more than only tighten and lifting the skin on your face. The skin and thread lift performed in this technique also urges the body to create its natural healing reaction and speed up the creation of collagen in the region.

Why Is Collagen Important

Collagen, a protein present throughout the body, plays a crucial role in skin health. It creates a matrix of densely interconnected tissues in your dermis, which is the second skin layer, and there it supports your epidermis while also securely anchoring the lower tissues, such as muscle and fat.

Once collagen synthesis is high, the skin is tight, strong, and elastic. The skin’s elasticity and suppleness gradually decline with age, giving rise to lines and wrinkles. Meanwhile, below, the solid anchoring of muscle and fat breaks away and both tend to sag, which is among the primary causes for the jowls and sagging cheeks none of us like to see.

Implications of a Higher Collagen Content

When doing a thread lift, the skin is first raised to the desired position. However, it isn’t supposed to stay in place forever, thanks to the threads. Instead, they serve to keep the face in place while the collagen does its rejuvenating magic.

After a facelift, your body would start producing more collagen, which would, over a few weeks, restore your dermal tissue matrix to its youthful state. After enough time has passed, the new, robust collagen matrix would have fully pushed out the threads and sutures.

Comparative Benefits To A Conventional Facelift

Very Little Effort Required

The largest evident benefit of this therapy is how much simpler, easier, and less intrusive it is. A typical facelift needs you to be profoundly sedated. The method itself needs a lot of incisions and suturing. Then you will have to be transported home and have somebody care for you for a minimum of 3 days. If you’ve got children, you will have to arrange daycare. Many weeks of recovery time are required after a facelift procedure.

Threadlift in Singapore is totally unique. It does not need lots of time off and isn’t very intrusive. Although you should avoid massaging your face for one week, you wouldn’t have to take as much care of your face as you would following a facelift.

Less Risk

There’s always a chance of anything going wrong during surgery. The bigger the amount of anesthetic required, the higher the danger. Also, there is always the chance of bruising, scarring, bleeding, and other issues with a facelift. These are essentially non-existent with the thread form of a lift.

A Lot Cheaper!

The thread version is far more cost-effective without sacrificing quality because of its reduced complexity, reduced time to completion, and reduced labor required.


There is no turning back after a traditional facelift. Unless you’re willing to wait for complete healing and then schedule another complex and intrusive treatment to attempt to correct the first one, there isn’t much you could do if you are unhappy with the results. If the need arises, we may easily remove the sutures from the thread treatment, and the face will be back to normal.


A facelift may have striking aesthetic effects, broadcasting to onlookers that you have had surgery done. The thread lift is a more natural alternative to traditional facelifts since it works by prompting collagen to reconstruct its formal structure, rather than just pulling skin taut. You will look precisely like you, just younger.

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