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Do you feel shy from showing off your smile due to yellow teeth? When was the last time you visited your dentist? The only time we remember dentists is if there is a tooth issue or other dental problems. Having your teeth regularly cleaned by your dentist can improve your overall oral health.

Need for Deep Teeth Cleaning

When you go to your dentist, they might recommend deep teeth cleaning. Any words from your dentist’s mouth regarding treatment might ring alarm bell in your brain. You might start to fret about the cost involved, the healing process, and the side effects that will come with the procedure. 

A deep tooth cleaning is recommended if you have any pocketing between your tooth and gums. The normal depth between your teeth and gums known as pockets is 3 mm. anything more than this is an indication of gum disease. 

If you live in Poway and look for the best dentist Poway clinics for enquiring about deep teeth cleaning, then you can check out the services offered by Hekmat Dental Care, headquartered at Rancho Bernado, San Diego. Their team of professionals will perform a comprehensive dental exam and then discuss the deep teeth cleaning options with you. 

If you are skeptical about the process, you can talk to the dentists and get your concerns addressed right away. You can even opt for their In-Office Insurance Plan and avail the services offered for a minimal fee. 

A deep dental cleaning can:

  • Prevent gum diseases
  • Address current infections
  • Reduce bad breath and odors
  • Helps in preventing tooth loss

It is always better to understand any dental procedure before going in for the treatment. Deep dental cleaning is performed by a dental hygienist and consists of scaling and root planing. Scaling involves the use of a small metal scraper by your dentist to remove plaque and tartar deposits from your teeth. 

The second part of the deep teeth cleaning procedure involves root planing. After scaling your teeth, your dentist with the help of the same tool will remove the excess plaque and tartar that have been deposited onto the roots of your teeth. This will help your gums to re-attach to your teeth. 

Your dental hygienist will floss your teeth to remove stubborn plaque or tartar residue from your mouth. Next is the fluoride treatment wherein they will apply a thick foam or gel onto your teeth, which will help protect your teeth from cavities. 

The deep cleaning process can last up to hours or your dentist might break up the treatment into multiple sessions. After your treatment, you might experience pain or sensitivity which will go away after a day or two. If the pain or sensitivity persists, it is advisable to contact your hygienist right away.

Ensure to follow your dentist’s advice to promote quicker healing from the treatment. You can take over-the-counter medications to reduce the pain. Avoid eating hard, cold or hot foods or beverages to reduce sensitivity. 

Many people often think that dental exams and cleaning are the same. There is a thin line of difference here. So, if you want to go in for a dental exam and cleaning, then you can enquire with your dentist in Rancho Bernardo about the costs for both services. 

When you opt for dental exams, your dentist will:

  • Check your tooth and roots for decays or cavities
  • Check your gums for periodontal or bone infections
  • Will repair or replace any restorations
  • Take X-rays to check for deeper tooth issues not visible to the naked eye
  • Check your jaw for alignment or biting issues
  • Remove plaque and tartar from your teeth

Many of us tend to avoid going to dentists for routine checkups. You think that brushing twice a day or using fluoride toothpaste can help keep dental issues at bay. This is true to a certain extent, but at home, you do not have X-ray machines or devices that can help identify the root cause of dental problems and address them at the early stages.  

Now, dentists do not only perform dental exams or cleaning. If you have chipped or crooked teeth that affect your beautiful smile, then you can book an appointment with any credible cosmetic dentist Rancho Bernardo clinics and let them examine your teeth. Going in with specialists will not only restore your smile, but also boost your confidence. 

When is Deep Cleaning Required?

If you have healthy teeth with no dental issues, then you can opt for regular cleaning. A deep tooth cleaning is required if:

  • Bleeding or swollen gums
  • Bad breath
  • Sensitivity while having cold beverages or desserts
  • Discoloration of your teeth
  • Bruised gums

All the above signs are a strong indication that you need to go in for deep cleaning. It is always better to nip the problems in the bud before they grow big and come to haunt you in the form of expensive dental bills. If you have dental insurance, then fine. If not, then you might need to save separately for your dental procedure. 


Dental cleaning can be a stop to many of your dental issues.  Regular brushing and flossing after meals can not only reduce tooth decay and periodontics, but also improve your overall oral health.

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