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Damaged teeth or teeth gaps may make you self-conscious about your smile and impact your quality of life. If you want to improve the look of your teeth, you don’t always have to undergo expensive and complicated procedures. Your dentist in Northeast Philadelphia can recommend composite bonding to help you achieve this goal. Read on to know more about this dental solution:

What to Know About Composite Bonding

This dental treatment is designed to cover teeth damage or defects. Composite resin is used for reshaping the affected teeth by filling unsightly areas or damaged teeth to make a uniform look. The resin can fill chips or indentations in your teeth and get rid of gaps between them. Once the resin bonds to your teeth permanently, it will feel and look like your natural tooth enamel.

Dental Problems that Composite Bonding Can Fix

Composite bonding is great for those who have minor dental problems and want to restore their beautiful smile. It can be used for fixing discolored or stained teeth, broken teeth, decayed teeth, teeth gaps, chipped teeth, ad slightly crooked teeth. However, those who have severe dental problems like seriously misaligned teeth, fractured teeth, overbites, and underbites cannot benefit from composite bonding. Your dentist can recommend other options for restoring your smile, like dental braces and dental crowns. 

Improving Your Smile with Composite Bonding

Dental bonding can make your teeth look similar, balancing your smile. It can restore abnormally shaped, chipped, crooked, or discolored teeth. Also, it can close the gaps between your teeth to prevent food from being stuck in between and make eating easier. This durable dental treatment can last up to a decade or even more when properly taken care of. 

Moreover, composite bonding can repair damaged teeth without complex and costly procedures. If you have an exposed tooth root due to receding gums, you can get composite bonding to cover the root and prevent your teeth from becoming sensitive to temperature changes. 

Composite bonding can be completed in one dental visit. You don’t have to wait for weeks for teeth restorations to be fabricated in a laboratory. Your dentist can apply a tooth-colored resin to your teeth during your treatment. Other options, such as dental crowns and veneers, are completed in two appointments. Because special teeth restorations must be made in a laboratory, you must wait until you can have a beautiful smile again. With composite bonding, you leave your dentist’s office with a confident smile. 

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