
The Hel 299 Cell Line

Cell lines have changed scientific research. They are now being used to study gene function, produce vaccines, the generation of artificial tissue, antibody production and testing drug metabolism. Cell lines allow the detailed examination of genetic makeup, biology and structures. This examination is done by researchers in controlled environments. It is a valuable, detailed examination of pancreatic tissue […]

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Treat Tendon Injuries the Non-Invasive Way by Using Your Own Stem Cells

Tendon injuries usually occur near joints like elbow, knee, ankle, shoulder etc. Tendons are tough fibers that connect muscles with the bones. The two common tendon injuries are Tendonitis – inflammation of the tendon and Tendinosis – tears around the tendon due to overuse. Symptoms of tendon injury: Pain and stiffness in the affected area […]

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Knee Re-alignment (OSTEOTOMY): What you need to know

Knee Osteotomy is an effective surgical procedure for rectifying a joint’s alignment, enhancing its function and reducing inflammation, associated with chronic arthritis. The surgeon recommends an osteotomy to patients with early-stage osteoarthritis, where the damage is in the initial stage and has affected only one part of the knee.  Osteotomy is considered an advantageous alternative […]

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